1. Advent, as we prepare our hearts for Our Lord's coming, is a fitting time to ask ourselves if our hearts are soiled by any grudges or unforgiveness. For most of us, forgiveness is a challenge.
In addition to examining our consciences for any resentments, I would like to recommend the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which comes from the spirituality and diary of St. Faustina Kowalska. By praying this short and beautiful chaplet (ideally daily), we ask Jesus' Mercy on our sins and those of our world -- Mercy we are all in great need of!
Also, for some practical explanations and advice regarding resentments and forgiveness, I recommend a little inexpensive book I recently finished: From Resentment to Forgiveness.
2. Like many who attended college, I had to take an introductory philosophy course as part of my general education requirement. I took mine the first semester of my freshman year and soured on it from day one, when I bought the texts for the class. The photocopy packet the instructor had prepared included an article in which a philosopher granted, for the sake of argument, that the unborn child was a human person, but then went-on to justify legal abortion for any reason anyway. The rest of the course seemed to be an exercise in mental gymnastics to justify evil by obfuscation and odd language.
This experience left me with a disdain for philosophy, at least as it is practiced today. Over the years, though, I've begun to wonder if I dismissed a valuable area of study, given that one of the Church's greatest saints, St. Thomas Aquinas, was a first-rate philosopher; also, one of my favorite Catholic authors/thinkers, Peter Kreeft, is a philosopher of Boston College (yes, an orthodox thinker at a Jesuit school!).
So, I've prepared an Amazon order with three introductory philosophy tomes to help me come to a classic understanding of the subject and learn how to better think: Kreeft's Philosophy 101, an inexpensive anthology of Plato's Dialogues put-out by Barnes & Noble, and Kreeft's treatment of Pascal's Pensees. We'll see how it goes -- or when I'm able to get to it!
3. As any parent knows, little children are great at holding mirrors up to adults' faces. My eldest (now 3) was helping me start a load of laundry the other day. As we finished putting the clothes in, she remarked "This is where we put the clothes and then they stay here for a really long time!" Though she was pointing to the washer as she said this, I laughed at the realization that my toddler had learned from Mommy's less-than-stellar laundry skills that clothes remain in the dryer and are not folded or put away for days sometimes! Mea culpa!
Daily Rome Shot 1263 – so it begins
A few years ago, I gave a talk at a conference in Napa Valley for a men’s
group. It was a fine event with great guys. Two other priests spoke, Fr.
David Je...
10 hours ago
I see you promote the "divine mercy" devotion. I advise you that you really should not do this. I hope you will read "Sacred Heart Apostles" with the eyes of faith if you have the faith.
ReplyDelete"catholic faithkeeper":
ReplyDeleteThe Divine Mercy (Christ Himself!) and St. Faustina are approved by Holy Mother Church for our devotion and example, and are thus sound for our spiritual growth and prayer! This IS the Faith, as given us by Our Lord and His Church. The Divine Mercy devotion is very complementary to the devotion to the Sacred Heart (Christ Himself), which I also practice and recommend. Christ cannot oppose Christ!
I advise YOU to acknowledge the Holy Father's God-given authority and all of the teachings of Holy Mother Church, and not be in schism any longer!
May God bless you!
It is obviously useless talking to people who do not have the Catholic faith.
ReplyDeleteRemember however that you will have to give an account of all your words. Luther along with many other inventors of false Christian faiths is in hell for misleading souls. Do you want to join him?