I'm a Catholic wife and stay-at-home mom to five little ones. Though we live in Central California, between us we have lived in Southern California, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, and Tennessee. Feel free to contact me at weareacatholicfamily@live.com.
Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)
Welcome registrant: Carlo Please remember me when shopping online and use
my affiliate links. US HERE – WHY? This helps to pay for health insurance
The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle
The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle is a feast that celebrates the
authority and mission given by Christ to St. Peter and his successors. It
symbolizes th...
Saying Yes to God’s Plan
Gracie Jagla joins us to share her journey as a Catholic children’s author
and the inspiration behind her latest book, When Mary Says Yes. She
discusses th...
The Bonding (TNG) – The Secrets of Star Trek
Tragedy, loss, and alien trickery. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss
this TNG story of loss and grief and what makes us human in dealing with
the death...
St. Frances de Sales and his Early Tracts
I just finished “The Catholic Controversy” by St. Francis de Sales. This is
a collection of the tracts he wrote in a time period not long after he was
Featured Post: How to Defend the Catholic Faith
The prospect of defending the Catholic faith is daunting for most people.
It's scary to put yourself out there, and if someone asks you a difficult
Biden Said the Scariest Thing about China
This is moral relativism at its scariest. This is the leader of the free
world saying he won’t criticize China’s horrific treatment of its citizens
Three great paintings for Advent and Christmas
*The Annunciation,*
by Henry Ossawa Tanner, American (but he painted in France), Picture was
painted in Paris, France in 1898....
My Thoughts on a "Trendy *ALLEGED* Apparition"...
Hi everyone. I don't blog much anymore, as you can obviously see, and so
I'm sorry for not getting to comments very quickly. I have been much more
active ...
New Blog Up
Finally got the new blog ready to go. Take a look! Just a heads up, this
old one won’t be around much longer as I’ll disconnect it soon, but I
transferred ...
Moving Ahead
I hardly think any of us really know where we are going, where we will find
ourselves at points future, or where we will eventually wind down and
return to...
Important Catholic Spiritual Direction Update
Dear Catholic Spiritual Direction subscribers, readers, and followers:
Well, this blog started out as an experiment this winter and wow - there
are thousan...
Thanks indeed be to God. Congratulations! I hope that God will be always the light of her life.